I shall eat escargots, wear a beret, and visit art galleries.
I will try to remember something (anything?) from my 3 years of high school French -where I didn't do German - because when, in my life, was I ever going to NEED GERMAN?????? (And besides which, the french class got to go to a French restaurant once a semester.)
Actually, I will only be doing those things for 1 day - because on the other 2 I'll be attending a conference... my first since motherhood descended all those (5) years ago...
I am excited and apprehensive in equal measure.
It has been a long time since I've been a delegate at a conference. There was a time (in the distant, far away past) when I use to speak at them quite regularly... I do not remember the person I was back then... but I'm hoping the next 3 days with old colleagues might remind me...
Of antipodean origin, currently living in Germany with the "Ger-Man", not-nearly-as-little-as-he used-to-be "Caspi-Man" , "The Cheeky Monkey", and four-legged "Banjo". Dream is to have a permanent place in both hemispheres and the means to travel betweeen. Am lucky to have family & friends in far-flung corners of the globe but, where ever I am, I'm missing someone terribly. Prone to procrastination and to wearing pajamas and animal ears - I
often find myself outside my comfort zone...life seems to be a continually- vertical learning curve...