"Life is too important to be taken seriously."

-Oscar Wilde

Thursday, August 28, 2008

Isn't this supposed to be one of the first signs of dementia?

Took the Caspi-Man to kindergarten,
chatted a while with the teacher,
gossiped with other mums,
went to bank,
super-market and
pet food supplier,
dropped books back at the library and,
chatted with neighbour on the street for a while.

It wasn't till climbing the last flight of stairs to the front door that I realised I'd spent the whole morning running around in mis-matched shoes...

Am taking small comfort from the words of a wise friend: "it's not like one was a heeled sandal and the other a flat boot."

No, it's true, I'm not quite that far gone........ not yet at least!


Anonymous said...

Delightful piccie, perhaps if you still have blue hair, no-one would look at your feet.

Helen said...

One can always claim to be Avant-garde...rather than being absent minded/having dressed in the dark.

Anonymous said...

i think i shall also put some black shoe polish in the car package to accompany the eucalytpus oil.


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