"Life is too important to be taken seriously."

-Oscar Wilde

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

It's been a good day!

In much the same way as Kevie has managed to restore my faith in, and my hope for, the future of mymother-land”- I would like to thank America for giving us Obama, whose speech had me blubbering, and is helping restore my faith in, and my hope for, the future of my world...

And how cute was that hat Arethra was wearing?


Anonymous said...

So does that mean the world is going to be ...wait for it .... OK or KO'd? he he he .....

Anonymous said...

it was a fantastic hat wasn't it?? i was glued to all the news last night watching it all. glenno taped it, so much watch the whole thing. i wasn't prepared to get up at 3am. i was though, was also very moved.

darlink sister

Anonymous said...

yes i was a teary girl too... at work in the lunch room with several other teary girls. fingers crossed for diplomacy over state sanctioned terrorism, and universal health care for the people,among many other things that need changing from the american end. go obama go!

m. propism : )

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