That often it can surprise you with the unexpected... even when doing a routine shop at the local supermarket.
Yesterday, for the first time ever I encountered THIS at the cooked meat counter. Apparently it's called "Spanferkel". And it's spit-roasted pig. Where I come from - people tend to spit-roast the other end...
Of antipodean origin, currently living in Germany with the "Ger-Man", not-nearly-as-little-as-he used-to-be "Caspi-Man" , "The Cheeky Monkey", and four-legged "Banjo". Dream is to have a permanent place in both hemispheres and the means to travel betweeen. Am lucky to have family & friends in far-flung corners of the globe but, where ever I am, I'm missing someone terribly. Prone to procrastination and to wearing pajamas and animal ears - I
often find myself outside my comfort seems to be a continually- vertical learning curve...
that is just excellent. and who's to say the arse end is any better ;)
and just another would you take the thing home on the bus?
What do you reckon they did with the ears?
Well, Rach, if you impaled it on the end of a long spear you'd pretty much be quaranteed of a seat!
And the ears Cathy?, why - silk purses of course! ;)
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