In a fit of "the pen is mightier than the sword" inspiration - I attempted to illustrate a moment of intense personal frustration by symbolically slitting my wrists with a ball point pen.
(Haha! That made my point!)
After I'd scrubbed my forearm clean of the ink evidence - my good friend Tamzinite - highly amused by my antics - decided to plaster my wrist with this quote:
"it's the truth even if it didn't happen."
(by some dude called Kasey. Whoever he/she may happen to be.)
Perhaps these are words that can be lived by? (Nah, the Caspi-Man has a pretty good grasp on "the truth" and there's no way he'd let me get away with that for too long.)
Tamzinite also had a quote (by someone called Gide) for The Ger-Man's left bicep. It read:
"everything that needs to be said has already been said. but since no one was listening, everything must be said again."
He flashed his arm a lot at people over the next few days. (Mostly me.) Methinks he even considered having it permanently tattoo-ed...
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