"Life is too important to be taken seriously."

-Oscar Wilde

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

GODAMMIT! Wish I thought of this...

very original idea for a 5 year old's birthday party...

A behind the scenes look @ Düsseldorf International Airport!

The invitation was in the form of a boarding card, we went on the sky-train, and then met our guide who took us all on a special bus across the tarmac, in front of planes, (pilots waved at us), and past all the small jets, and fire trucks, and then we saw police helicopters land, before parking at the end of the runway and watching planes come over our heads to land.

How cool is that?

Friday, January 22, 2010


In a fit of "the pen is mightier than the sword" inspiration - I attempted to illustrate a moment of intense personal frustration by symbolically slitting my wrists with a ball point pen.

(Haha! That made my point!)

After I'd scrubbed my forearm clean of the ink evidence - my good friend Tamzinite - highly amused by my antics - decided to plaster my wrist with this quote:

"it's the truth even if it didn't happen."

(by some dude called Kasey. Whoever he/she may happen to be.)

Perhaps these are words that can be lived by? (Nah, the Caspi-Man has a pretty good grasp on "the truth" and there's no way he'd let me get away with that for too long.)

Tamzinite also had a quote (by someone called Gide) for The Ger-Man's left bicep. It read:

"everything that needs to be said has already been said. but since no one was listening, everything must be said again."

He flashed his arm a lot at people over the next few days. (Mostly me.) Methinks he even considered having it permanently tattoo-ed...

Wednesday, January 20, 2010


We've returned from high summer in Oz, to sub-zero temperatures here in Deutschland and the magic of snow... and as I downloaded photos from various apparatus, I was struck by a sudden realisation:

I seem to be raising one of those pretentious twats... The sort that thinks it's completely normal to surf through the summer, snowboard in winter, and who very much intimidated me when I was in my twenties!
expat Germany
Expat Women—Helping Women Living Overseas