"Life is too important to be taken seriously."

-Oscar Wilde

Sunday, December 8, 2013

It's beginning to feel a bit like...

bare but pretty...

two globes have already fallen victim to the cheeky monkey... :-/

Best fleamarket find... they don't make plastic like this anymore...

He's useless for cracking nuts, I'm afraid. But he is an admirable sentinal...

 The kitchen tree...

Love this little guy who zooms around our

Adventkranz! (The second candle gets lit today.)

The most beautiful tree in the world!
"No, it's not Mama."
"!!!!????!!!!! Yes, IT IS!!!"
"It is very beautiful, but the world is big, and there are lots and lots of Christmas trees. You cannot say that this one is the MOST beautiful of them all...."

The German side of him is strong, it would seem.

(But, in my opinion, it IS the most beautiful tree in the world! :-) )
expat Germany
Expat Women—Helping Women Living Overseas