"Life is too important to be taken seriously."

-Oscar Wilde

Saturday, June 7, 2008

Nature vs Nurture

Before the Caspi-Man came along, I always had a bit of a leaning towards the "nurture" side of this debate. Yes, it may have been un-informed and reactionary, but since when has not being informed ever stopped one from forming an opinion?

Now, however, (post Caspi-Man) I am well and truly, absolutely, completely, without doubt, firmly taking a prominent stand on the "nature" side.

Latest empirical evidence?

The toilet seat.

Up until recently, the toilet seat has never been an issue in our household. The Ger-Man (during the long years of our co-habitation) has always been remarkably good and considerate. So remarkably good, in fact, that it has never needed to be remarked on. (I'm quite sure, that until recently, I'd ever even thought about it. Not even to abstractly ponder that the Schwierig-mutter might have done some "nurturing" to invoke this un-remarkability.That's how much of 'not an issue' it has been.)

Now, however, the Caspi-Man seems to be exerting his "nature".

The toilet seat is ALWAYS up.

And I can guarantee you, that both the Ger-Man and myself have in no way "nurtured" this behaviour. In fact, to the contrary, we have "nurtured" the complete opposite. Our "nurturing" is getting us nowhere.

After once again in the middle of last night being jolted to full consciousness during a routine sleepwalk to the bathroom - I'm feeling the need to nuture some remarks...

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