I love the term "Antipodean" because it seems to best cover my sense of national identity. ..
I was actually born in New Zealand. Am 6th Generation Kiwi- infact- on my father's father's side. (My grandmother was of French stock.) I suspect I may only be 5th generation - but dad insists that it's 6th and it has been a long time since I've seen a family tree to be able to correct him. Not that this stops me, of course. Constantly correcting my father was a vital component of my up-bringing.
But mum is definitely Australian- and we moved to Oz when I was 9. After a few years of copping heaps at school because I spoke funny, I learnt to assimilate, and identify as Australian. (Even now, I, apparently still speak 'funny', with most strangers guessing I'm South African.) I'm definately more likely to back Australia in international sporting events.
My mother's family is actually of Greek origin, coming from a tiny, idyllic island -that is geographically located at the very bottom point of Europe - on the Turkish Coast. (The locals actually do their shopping on the Turkish mainland - and many also own land and homes there.) Because of its location, the island has been a strategic land-hold in pretty much every war - and has been occupied at one point or another by just about every European warring nation you can think of. (My Great-great grandmother was shot & killed, aged 90 something, while defending the church containing all the island's woman folk when -I think- the Germans invaded during WW1.) . Even these days, the Greeks and Turks use the island's waters as a posturing point for their respective war ships, while all the locals get on with business as usual.
So while I'm technically 'Antipodean' - the Caspi-Man has no Grandma or Nana, but rather a 'Yia Yia' in Sydney (& here in Germany, an 'Oma'). And of course, a 'Grandad', who these days - lives once more where he was bred- in New Zealand.
All in all, like many people, I'm a bit genealogically confused. (Yes, I am a mutt.) Therefore, I'm glad to hear that there may be plans afoot to help simplify matters for me- view here for the a proposed Australian strategy to invade new Zealand (and, afterwards -maybe- create one Antipodean territory ?)
But, really, what side would I be on????
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