"Life is too important to be taken seriously."

-Oscar Wilde

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Brilliant things about Germany No. 222

The Kindergarten.

Where your child DOES behave. And if it stays over lunch - it WILL use cutlery and chew with its mouth shut.

These things, alas, do not happen in the home... not even if you use threats, bribes, and/or positive role modeling. Attempts to create the same "peer" atmosphere by inviting 3-4 of the said child's friends over for a meal - also doesn't work. (You'll just have 4 times the farm-yard behaviour your own child likes to exhibit at the table.)

How on earth do the Kindergarten teachers manage it?

1 comment:

Mariecel said...

I don't know how they manage either.
My kids spent part of last weekend at their Oma's house. When I called to see how things were going, she said the kids were CLEANING UP. Apparently this is something the kids do on their own accord when they're there.
Why can't the kids do that here at home?!?!?!?

expat Germany
Expat Women—Helping Women Living Overseas