"Life is too important to be taken seriously."

-Oscar Wilde

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

the things you can't explain

Digger (or earth mover), in German, is Bagger.

But it is pronounced "Bugger".

Anyone who has had anything do to with very young boys (and their inherent fascination with all things pertaining to construction sites) may be able to guess where this is heading.

Bagger was one of the Caspi-Man's first recognisable words. Perfected just before his 2nd birthday - on the eve of a trip home to Oz.

And lordy-lord was he ever proud of it. And lordy-lord did he like to use it. And by bloody lordy-lord were there ever lots of them in Australia.

Beginning with the extension work they were doing at BNE (Brisbane International Airport) when we landed- there was not an outing - (not even a trip to the shop) - where one was not sighted. And every digger needed to be pointed out. At full volume. And acknowledged. Preferably by strangers. (Such is the way with newly articulate nearly 2 year-old's.)


I quickly learnt that strangers were not buying the "Bugger is German for Digger" line, and believe me, I got to use that line a lot. At one point my highly amused sister was going to have it printed on a t-shirt...

When we returned to Deutschland I phoned a fellow aussie friend who is also based here in germany (her son, the Benj, is 3 months older than the Caspi-Man) to bemoan our experience.

She was full of unexpected empathy (and at the time 2 weeks out from a trip home to Perth):

" I know exactly what you mean. I've just been wondering how I'm going to explain this?"

she then obviously held out the Benj's favourite Digger - and through the line came a distant, very cute, and very well projected voice:

"ahhh... der ya are BUGGER! I WOVE YOU BUGGER!!!"

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