The Caspi-Man is becoming quite creative in his methods of avoiding things he doesn't want do.
Such as, say, getting dressed...
Every single morning it is a mammoth struggle to get him out of his pajamas and into his clothes. (Yep. No doubt about it - he is my child. Who knew such things were genetic?)
He very rarely actively participates in the dressing process. Usually he darts around the room, scorns the available options, distracts himself with whatever may be handy (toys, books, most often Olli). Anything to avoid putting his day clothes on. He often asks if he can go to kindergarten in his pjs.
A few days ago, The Ger-Man was attempting the "dressing challenge" when I overheard this exchange:
Frustrated Ger-Man: "WHY CASPI-MAN? WHY? Why won't you just put your clothes on?"
Belligerent Caspi-Man: "Because I can't!"
"And just why can't you?"
"Because I can't hear you!"
"Huh? Why can't you hear me?"
"Because my ears are too small."
(Trying not to laugh) "Sorry, Caspi-Man. That's one problem you definitely don't have."
Have you ever heard of such a thing as LEARNED BEHAVIOUR! Haaa ha hee hee.
don't know whatcya mean!
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