"Life is too important to be taken seriously."

-Oscar Wilde

Monday, September 29, 2008

Not liking this Monday business...

No dancing today, as it is Autumn Break, which meant the Caspi-Man and I were on time (a touch early even!) for a long standing regular activity that occurs on the first and third Monday of each month. (One that has recently seen us rushing in late in a fluster of apologetic distrubtiveness.) So, I was feeling quite pleased about our punctuality. That is, until the moment we walked through the door and I realised that today was actually the fifth Monday of the month...
And then I had to drop 3 DVDs back at the rental store. I was pleased that I'd a) remembered they were due back on the actual day, and b) feeling relieved that the Caspi-Man had agreed for "his" pirate movie to be returned without my having to resort to bribes or threats. This feeling of accomplishment was negated the moment we walked through the rental shop door and I realised that although I had the cover, I'd left the Dvd in the player at home.
Am Blaming Monday...


Anonymous said...

Reminds me of a song I once heard ...... 'I don't like Mondays'....

Anonymous said...

curse those bloody 5th mondays of the month. as if there aren't enough mondays in a month already!
m. propism : )

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