"Life is too important to be taken seriously."

-Oscar Wilde

Thursday, September 18, 2008

I can't quite believe it -

Last week- I happened to be in a village on the outskirts of Duesseldorf, and as I was walking to the train station - I spied A COAT in the window of a boutique.

Looks cute - I thought.

I went inside.

I asked to try it on.

They had my size.

It fitted!

My heart pumped a little faster.

I looked at the price.

It wasn't heart stopping.


I rang the Ger-Man. "You won't believe what I've just found!" I said. I think I heard him fall off his seat when I told him. After recovering from the shock - he asked how much it was. He chuckled. "But try telling them," he said, "That your husband said you can only spend...."and quoted an amount 50 Euros cheaper than its ticketed price. (He was only jesting.)

But I relayed the message on to the saleswomen. They laughed. (Men, eh?) They pulled out the calculator. And then they said OK.


I left the store with THE COAT discounted by 50 Euros.

So after 5 years and 3 continents my epic quest has come to an end...


I found some pictures of the coat on the net to share with you ... but I really must say that they don't do it full justice. It is not made for a tall skinny model type. It needs hips to bring out its front pleats into a tulip shape... am loving the bell sleeves!


Helen said...

Hip, hip, Hooray!

That is a gorgeous coat.

Only two more miracles and it will be Saint Pyjamamel.

Anonymous said...

Thank goodness for such major miracles.

Anonymous said...

perhaps if the model doesn't do it justice then you need to get Caspi-Man to take a photo of you wearing it for your blog !

i am most pleased for you


darlink sister

Anonymous said...

it's a lovely coat! and 50 euros discount?? holy hell. that's not much less than what my london coat cost me full price!! even with the bargain basement husband, you are VERY lucky!
m. propism :)

Anonymous said...

But did the Ger-Man like it?

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