"Life is too important to be taken seriously."

-Oscar Wilde

Monday, September 8, 2008

Shallow Shoe Rant.

After reading about last week's mis-matched shoe adventure - my darlink sister felt the need to leave a comment about the neglected state of my shoes. (The left, in particular, I suspect. It's a victim of too many trips to the sand and gravel covered playground. Oh, ok, and also infrequent cleaning/ polishing! I can share that the right one looks just as scruffy.)

I can understand that scuffed shoes irk her, as I have a shoe peeve list of my own. And for no reason other than wanton, shallow pettiness - I've decided to share it here:

1. Winter boots teamed with light summer dresses. (It may be someone's idea of 'fashion' -but that doesn't stop it looking WRONG.) Especially gruesome if the boots are of the cowboy variety.

2. Open toed shoes with stockings. Extra demerit points if the pantyhose have a reinforced toe. I'm amazed by how many, otherwise polished looking women I've seen do this. It is on par with sandals worn with socks.

3. Socks with sandals. 'Nuff said.

4. White shoes with black opaques. (See point 1).

Mind you, all this from one who can't ensure her own shoes even match.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yes I am a couple of months late on this......ditto re your shoe peeve list!!!!
I cannot stand shoes that are a lighter colour than stockings. And the number of times I pull hubby up on putting socks under our little girl's sandals is getting more than tiresome (poor little love, she doesn't know). 'But it's cold' he will say. Then she should wear sneakers! (maybe it's genetic - one working day i left an assortment of clothes out for Mother in Law to dress her in as I didn't know what the weather would do. The shock when I got home. 3/4 tights teamed with socks pulled up straight and under sandals. The sheer horror when I learned they took her to the shops in the outfit too).And as for stockings with sandals or open toed shoes.....bleghggh.

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