"Life is too important to be taken seriously."

-Oscar Wilde

Monday, July 7, 2008

A Picture.

In which Olli can be seen admiring his gorgeous caramel eyes, reflected in an exquisite pill-box that my darlink- sister sent me for my birthday (which was a few months ago).
The pill-box is beautifully inscribed with the rather scary question:

"What if there is no PMS and this is
my personality?"

What if, Indeed?


Helen said...

All together now - awwwwwwwww. Olli is gorgeous. Thanks for sharing him with the internets.

Anonymous said...

he's sooo gorgeous...you're sooo lucky....and i'm so jealous!!
m. propism

Anonymous said...

hello olli !!

welcome to the clan. elroy says hi.


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