"Life is too important to be taken seriously."

-Oscar Wilde

Saturday, August 16, 2008

Evidence of cultural differences No. 352

Last night- just before sleep- the topic of the Ger-Man and my pillow-talk turned to "Whistle-blowing". As late night conversations sometimes do.

(Romantic creatures, aren't we? Nothing like the exposure of a bit of corporate corruption or organisational misconduct to spice things up in the bedroom...)

During our discussion I was stunned to learn that in Deutschland - a "whistle-blower" is generally referred to as a "Nestbeschmutzer", which translates as a "nest-fouler" or "nest-dirtier".

Which, it must be said- has a slightly different connotation, no?

1 comment:

Lynda said...

Well it makes perfect sense if you are and Australian/German family like us. One of my father's favorite sayings was "Don't shit in your own nest!" (he had many delightful sayings like that.. god bless his little cotton socks) No wonder I married a German!

expat Germany
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