"Life is too important to be taken seriously."

-Oscar Wilde

Friday, May 16, 2008

Tyranny of distance -no.2

Right now - while I'm typing this - my beloved Darlink sister & her husband "Barry" (which is - incidentally - NOT his name - nor what other people call him - but is how he chooses to identify himself in most public spheres - and before anyone asks - NO - I've no bloody idea at all why) should be boarding a plane to Sydney.

They are heading down there for the weekend to attend celebrations for my Grandmother's 85th birthday. (Which incidentally is NOT this weekend - my Grandmother actually turned 85 last Tuesday. But the celebrations are tomorrow night.)

Needless to say I (& the Ger-Man, & the Caspi-Man) won't be there. (Although we do plan to phone in and ensure that we're passed around so everyone gets to hear the Caspi-Man's hybrid rendition of "Happy Birthday/ zum Geburtstag Viel Glück" ).

It is (especially) on occasions like this that the "tyranny of distance" really sucks.

So: here's a request for whoever's taking the happy-snaps tomorrow night: please photoshop the 3 of us into the pictures you take before developing them? Please? (Because you know we are really there in spirit.)

Some of the usual suspects (+ Capsi-Man & me) who'll be partying tomorrow night.
(nb: b-i-l "Barry" & the Ger-Man absent from this pic!)

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