"Life is too important to be taken seriously."

-Oscar Wilde

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Routinely muddled

It’s an odd week, this one.

Monday was a holiday. An extra day off for Pfingsten/Pentecost/Whitsunday (although why the observance of a special holiday for a group of islands off the North Queensland coast is a bit beyond me). May certainly abounds with public holidays in this region.

And today (while not a holiday) there is no kindergarten for the Caspi-Man. The workers are having a ”professional development” day. Hence I also have a holiday from my English Course – but alas no professional development for me. Unless you count watching “Playschool” DVDs with the Caspi-Man.

The brilliant thing about all these “days off” is that have been accompanied by brilliant weather. If you’ve been wondering why I have failed to moan about weather lately it’s because over the past fortnight we’ve been experiencing warm sunny days. An average high of about 25 degrees and not a rain-cloud in sight. (So not much watching of DVDs, then, with the Caspi-Man.) Some have already started moaning about the "heat" (not gonna specifically mention the Schwierig-mutter here).

So far, we’ve had 3 BBQs (or “Grillen” in local tongue) at various locations, 2 picnics in our “backyard”, and plenty of struggles with the Caspi-Man applying suncream to his exposed bits. He insists he can "do it ganze (completely) alone"
- but he's not very thorough. And he's developed a bit of a taste for it - so some always gets eaten in the process.

So, am afraid there's no chance this week of us getting into routine (as much as I like to pretend we actually have one).

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