"Life is too important to be taken seriously."

-Oscar Wilde

Monday, March 17, 2008

Where's question number 28?

This was one of those emails you sometimes get that purports to let your nearest & dearest find out useless trivia about you (that they never really wanted to know) - and is actually just a self-indulgent time waster!

(Yes, I succumbed. Of course I did.)
1. What time did you get up this morning?

8.30am. Dragged out of bed by the Caspi-Man to help set up his train set (the Ger-Man working 3 days/week in Hamburg- am single parenting again). Before coffee even. God knows what time he got up (but the knives and alcohol are stored up high).

2. Diamonds or pearls?

Gee... was it eighties or early 90's? Prince or weird unpronounceable? But seriously - both! But one must be careful if combining.

3. What was the last film you saw at the cinema?

Not counting in-flight movies (only partially viewed due to 3 year old factor) - "I am Legend". Dubbed into German. (Our wonderful neighbour looked after the Caspi-Man while the Ger-Man & I had a rare night out.) Verdict? Don't bother. Not even on DVD. For once the Ger-Man and I were in agreement on our assessment - which was a bonding moment. (We mostly disagree on movies. And books. And TV shows.)

4. What is your favourite TV show?

Sesame Strasse. (German Sesame Street. One of the few shows I can watch in full without concentrating tooooo hard!)

5. What do you usually have for breakfast?

Still mostly french. Coffee essential. Goose eggs are currently in season - but that's typically a weekend thing supplied on a Friday by my Schwierig-Mutter (the mother-in-law).

6. Favourite cuisine?

Savoury, creamy, animal fat is always good (Germany is a godsend in that regard!) Latest addiction - goose rillettes (can't believe it has taken so long to discover - paste made of goose- slow cooked in its own fat - eaten spread on toast! mmmmmmm....lecker!)

7. What are your middle names?

names? How many people in this day and age have middle name-s plural? That's just indulgent! (Like filling out this questionnaire really).

8. What food do you dislike most?

Margarine. Even if baked. I'm sorry, BUT YOU CAN TASTE THE DIFFERENCE! Life's too short.

9. What is your favourite CD at the moment?

What just 1? Most listened to though is the Tasmanian Symphony Orchestra's Lullaby collection. (Thank-you Dr Kaly - best present ever!)

10. What kind of car do you drive?

Don't have one. But do occasionally hire Germany's finest when needed. (Or Germany's most practical when the Ger-Man books it.)

11. Favourite sandwich?

Vegemite. with lots of butter. Freaks the locals...

12. What characteristic do you despise?


13. Favourite item of clothing?

Pajamas. (Some things are timeless.) My growing wardrobe of animal ears rate a mention. Very good for keeping hair out of eyes.

14. If you could go anywhere in the world on vacation, where would it be?

Probably not Australia. Or Germany.

15. What colour is your bathroom?

White. (Hint - never have white tiles on a bathroom floor. Or a kitchen floor either for that matter.)

16. Favourite brand of clothing?

No favourites. Lots I'd actually avoid. But, am a bit of an Oroton accessory girl. But put this down to quality, value for money (and the added perk that it is an unknown brand here in Europe).

17. Where would you retire?

Don't ever plan on "retiring" as I hope to always be doing something I enjoy. Somewhere where we have lots of friends? haha. Maybe near the grandkids???

19. Favourite sport to watch?

Only world championships. Prefer to watch when Oz have a chance.

25. Are you a morning person or a night person?

Night. Sometimes. Figure I'm not alone (and that is why morning children's TV is sooo entertaining & well scheduled.)

26. What's your shoes size?

91/2. or 40. Big. I have a firm grip on the earth.

27. Pets?

Guess it would be wrong to name the Ger-Man & Caspi-Man in this category (although they're sometimes cute to have around and I do feed them occasionally.)

29. What did you want to be when you grew up?

Grown up. Am still waiting...

30. How are you today?

fine thanks and you? What sort of questions is this? This is long enough as it is!

31. What is your favourite lolly/sweet/chocolate?

Lindt. Or Swiss. Or Belgium. So bountiful here too...

32. What is your favourite flower?

Arim/ Calla Lilly for looks. Freesias for scent.

33. What is a date on the calendar you are looking forward to?

Easter Sunday (23rd March). The Easter Bunny'll be visiting the Caspi-Man. This is the first year that he is fully compos mentis of such things (he was so excited when the Weihnachtsmann/Santa visited HIS house at Christmas). The Ger-Man is also planning an Easter-egg hunt for some of the Caspi-Man's posse. Ahh - the magic of childhood.

35. Piercings?

Ears. Just once in each side. Suspect I am more conservative than my teenage years would credit.

36. Place of birth?

Hawkes Bay, NZ. Good wine also comes from there.

37. Love someone/something so much it made you cry?


38. Favourite Restaurant?

Too hard. Haven't been to enough.

39. Favourite Alcoholic Drink?

Any! Depends on with whom and where. The cooking brandy @ 8am while watching Sesame Strasse! (Only kidding .... haven't even got to the coffee even by then!)

40. Favourite ice cream?

Pistachio. Can't pronounce it well in German. At all. NOT for want of trying. In summer am forced to point to maintain credibility.

41. What colour is your bedroom?

White walls, dark wood, royal blue and purple. Caspi-man's has a bit of leaning towards lime green. Am not sure how that happened but it really has!

42. Before this one, from whom did you get your last e-mail?
Does spam count? Someone offering pills to make my member larger... (?can't really be sure because I didn't read it.)

43. What do you do most often when you are bored?

Ha! If only! I have a toddler. (And a weakness for filling out silly questionnaires like this)

44. Bedtime?

Much earlier than I'd like. See previous question.

45. Ford or Holden?

Evidence these questions originated in Oz. Purely fabricated answer - but Holden. Based on a sentimental Australian ideal that doesn't (and probably never did) exist. (And also in memoriam of Ebe, my trusty Barina in OZ).

46. What are you listening to right now?

Upstairs neighbour coming home and walking on laminate with shoes on... and faint German soap- opera from TV (but like elsewhere - louder in adds).

47. What is your favourite colour?


48. Which came first the chicken or the egg?

Don't care. Both taste good. Will leave it for cleverer people to figure out.

49. What are you wearing?

ummm......... pajamas. I"M @ HOME!

50. What is the greatest place on earth?

My bed, on a rainy day, with my favourite people and a good book.

51. How would you react to a flat tyre?

I LOVE not having a car! But have had one or two with the kinderwagen (stroller). Makes it heavy to push.

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