"Life is too important to be taken seriously."

-Oscar Wilde

Friday, March 21, 2008

(good) Friday

The 3 of us have spent the entire day in our pajamas.

This was not planned - it just developed that way.

When the Caspi-Man dragged me out of bed at 7am demanding breakfast (why does he ONLY do this on weekends and public holidays? When he has to be up for kindergarten we have to physically drag him out of bed as he clutches his pillow screaming "Noooooooo ...Nooooo! WANT MORE SLEEPY!!!!" – I am really worried what he’s gonna be like as a teenager) -it was truly dark.

Mid-winter dark...

Ominously dark...

Armageddon dark..

And then the heavens opened and it hailed.

This pattern repeated 3 times over the following hours ( the Caspi-Man took great delight in collecting little balls of ice off the window sill to fire at me and the Ger-Man).

We made breakfast-proper (French toast), rang Uncle G (aka The Godfather) in Sydney for his birthday, and vaguely discussed options for the day. And then went back to bed. The Caspi-Man brought some lego.

There didn’t seem much point getting dressed…


Anonymous said...

I am horrified ramblings for the world to see........but quite fascinated at the characterisation and indepth look at life with the ger-man (please dont turn this into a things my girlfriend and i argue about type blog) anyway fascinated, fascinated oops yeah fascinated by this development..........


Anonymous said...

Yep, I should be. pretty much a million other things. Ah well.

Must admit though it is rather tempting to go with the TMGAIHAA-type blog, Milington's spot on with his observation that in a cross-cultural relationship where one of you happen to be German - you both become personally responsible and accountable for the entire history & doings of your respective country. (And the Ger-Man often leaves himself wide open). I will endeavour to heed your warning and show restraint.

expat Germany
Expat Women—Helping Women Living Overseas